Domestic Conferences
Laser Photochemistry Laboratory
Domestic Conferences
Laser Photochemistry Laboratory
[포스터] Gas phase laser spectroscopic and computational studies of jet-cooled small molecule-water clusters
[포스터] Linear Micro-rod Silver Cyanide Produced by Pulsed Laser Ablation in DMF
이슬기, 최명룡
[포스터] REMPI and UV-UV hole-burning spectroscopy of jet-cooled neutral p-phenetidine in the gas phase
성연국, 민아름, 안아름, 문철주, 최명룡
[포스터] Spectroscopic Study of Jet-cooled Indole-3-carbinol by Laser Desorption Technique: Franck-Condon Simulations and Anharmonic Calculations
안아름, 민아름, 문철주, 성연국, 최명룡
[포스터] Spectroscopic studies of Jet-cooled methacetin and its water complexes in the gas phase
문철주, 민아름, 안아름, 성연국, 최명룡
[포스터] Synthesis and Characterization of PbSe Nanoparticles by Pulsed Laser Ablation in Liquid (PLAL)
제민규, 최명룡
[포스터] Ni-Pd alloy nanoparticles synthesized by pulsed laser ablation in liquid
정현진, 최명룡
[포스터] The Electronic Spectroscopic studies of Jet-cooled 5-cyanoindole and Its Water Clusters: IR-dip spectroscopy and Computational Calculation
민아름, 문철주, 안아름, 성연국, 최명룡